Thomas Hildebrand has followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather: He is the third member of the family...
Even if he describes himself as rather taciturn: When Marcus Kühntopp describes his many tasks and goals as Commercial Director...
Jörn Potthoff, a trained toolmaker and EK toolmaking coordinator, is an absolute team player – and is delighted when he...
Christian Solida joined the logistics team at EK in 2021. Daily variety and constant movement make this job a lot...
Michael Kühl spent six years of his youth in Japan. From there, I went straight into international key account management...
Bernd Reiffenberg took up his post as the new coach of the EK Logistics team in May 2020. In the...
Her friendly smile is the first thing many colleagues see in the morning, her pleasant voice the first thing callers...
She has been with us since 2019, but Annika Falk has known our company for over 20 years. At that...
Heike Corsten from EK’s Human Resources department knows exactly what she wants. And what not. For example, not being on...